OTR Goes on Hiatus
Hello friends.
Perhaps more than anything else, the thing I struggle with most is the fact that I am not limitless. For as obvious a statement as it is – that I am not limitless – my little pea brain does not comprehend this simple truth. And so I try to do everything, holding myself to impossible goals and higher standards.
In a fit of self care, I've decided to become ruthless in the pursuit of the things that mean the most to me. That means setting aside – perhaps temporarily, perhaps permanently – other things that also matter to me.

I must finish Pennhollow, and to do this, I am going to set some limitations on my writing time. If I'm writing, it will be in service of Pennhollow. Period. And that means On the Record is a (probably temporary) casualty.
In any event, my goal is to get the shitty first draft of Pennhollow finished by my birthday in June. Then the real work starts, but I intend to hire help for that part.
Thanks for reading OTR. It's a pleasure to write and gratifying that there's a dedicated group of you who read this madness. I hope to get a 85,000 word noir gut punch out to you in the next couple of years – and for those of you insane enough to want to follow along on the shitty first draft, I have some good (?) news for you!
I will not die before I finish this novel. (Especially because it's the introduction to a larger story, god help me...)

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